Top 3 students in Faculty of Applied Sciences
Entering college, many new students are surprised because of new ways of learning and teaching. As students are considered mature people, learning and teaching at the University emphasizes self-discipline and self-responsibility for individual learning outcomes, so the way the university always revolves around Title: How to self-effort and achieve the highest results?
Let's find out how Tran Trung Nghia, Luu Tran Bao Ngoc and Huynh Thanh Tuan, the three students who own the best study results in the first semester of 2015 – 2016: Trung Nghia 8.96, Buu Ngoc 8.92 and Thanh Tuan 8.73.
Out of passion while studying in high school is Chemistry plus the interest to participate in scientific research so all three decided to choose Chemical Engineering to pursue and study.

The first to mention is Tran Trung Nghia – student of chemiscal class 14060202. When asked about the method of learning I was stunned by the answer of Nghia: "Method is not mean". Sitting next to him, Nghia said: "When studying, we should listen to the teacher lecture, which is the basis, the basis of the subject. The subject should be more stable and you should arrange a reasonable time to study the full class. " And Nghia has a motto: "Study for the future, for a bright future awaits us."
Next to Luu Tran Buu Ngoc, a chemiscal student at class 14060203. Ngoc shared, "For herself, the best learning method is to create a group of friends to study together, Answering questions and finding the mistakes of each other.At the time we learn to relax to avoid stress and stress, the efficiency of learning will be better.In addition, we should also keep track of the faculty It's just relaxing, but it also helps us learn more about how modern technology is in the developing world. " With Ngoc: "Do not try to balance work and passion, but turn your work into passion."
And after that, Huynh Thanh Tuan, a student of chemical engineering class 13060202. Thanh Tuan said: "After every day of study we should spend a few hours in the evening to review the lessons that day and Next lesson of the next day to remember is longer and more knowledgeable. Also, let's always study the group so that people have more ideas to help make the lesson better. " And with Tuan: "Live like tomorrow is dead, learn as you will live forever (Gandhi)".
Looking back, the key to success in college education is nowhere in the world, it is within the student body itself, that is the way to learn actively, positive attitude, healthy and responsible to the village. body. Thus, students in the Faculty of Applied Science let's study together and practice well, always remind each other to progress together and achieve high results.
Duy Thanh (Science Communication Team)
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